Monthly Archives: March 2014

Leaked: Another Samsung Fitness Tracker That May Launch With The Galaxy S5

This means the fitness tracker uses its sensors to gather health data and sends it to your smartphone, where you’ll be able to see information (burned calories, distance ran, etc.) through Samsung’s S Health app and Activity Tracker app. It’ll also be able to check your sleeping habits, the leaked brochure says: “Monitor your daily activities (Calories, Steps, Distance) and Sleep Efficiency.” Like some other wearable devices, the S Band claims it will send a buzz to your wrist if you’re receiving a call, an SMS message or if you stray too far from your phone. You can choose to wear the tracker as a clip or in a wristband in various colors including white, yellow, black and orange. It’ll likely tether to your phone via Bluetooth like most fitness wearables. It’s unclear if the S Band would be restricted to Samsung devices only like the Gear Fit, which is compatible with 17 Galaxy phones.
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Fitness enthusiasts flock Raahein event

It is not possible to cycle so freely on Indian roads otherwise.” IT professional Manish Jain was at the carnival for the third time. He said, “My son and I look forward to Sundays these days just for the Raahein event. This lovely start keeps us energetic for the entire day, even after we go back home. The carnival should continue.” The infectious enthusiasm of 63-year-old Nayan Gandhi from Kalyaninagar motivated the younger participants.
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3 Fitness Vacations for Mind and Body

Most cities and historical areas offer walking or biking tours of their areas and parks. You can walk the streets to get to know the place more intimately, or bike through larger parks to take in all the views while burning calories. Visit a Boot Camp Resort A boot camp class by itself sounds nothing like a vacation, but a boot camp resort that offers nutritious meals, relaxing spas, and fun fitness activities is a different story. This is a great option for those looking to lose weight and those that are encouraged to work out in group settings. The combination of personal trainers guiding you through p90X3 review the body-sculpting classes, dietitians fueling your workouts while satisfying your taste buds, and a group of people with similar goals will help you along on your fitness journey.
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